Why community based learning system will always win?

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     Hey everyone my name is Ajinkya Kawathekar and thank you for tuning into mazavyapar’s Home-based Business blogs where we educate people about Business and Marketing.

        I use one word in many of my podcasts which is "community-based learning". This podcast will help you understand what it is exactly. 

Now let’s get started. 

What is a community learning?

Community learning is a powerful educational approach that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This method of learning is based on the idea that people learn best when they are surrounded by a supportive community of peers, mentors, and experts. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why community learning is an effective way to learn and why it will always be a winner compared to other methods of education.

Social Learning

First, community learning is based on the principle of social learning. This means that people learn from one another through observation, imitation, and interaction. In a community learning environment, students are able to learn from one another by sharing their knowledge and experiences. This creates a rich learning environment where students can learn from a variety of perspectives and experiences.

Collaboration is the key

Another advantage of community learning is that it is highly collaborative. In a community learning environment, students work together on projects, discuss ideas, and help one another understand difficult concepts. This collaborative approach to learning helps students develop important skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Community learning also encourages a sense of belonging and ownership. When students feel like they are part of a community, they are more likely to take an active role in their own learning. They will be more likely to engage in discussion, share their knowledge, and ask questions. This sense of ownership also helps students to feel more invested in their learning and to take responsibility for their own progress.

Think how you learn exactly?

Additionally, community learning is highly adaptable. The community learning approach can be applied to a wide range of subjects and learning environments. It can be used in traditional classrooms, online environments, and even in the workplace. This flexibility makes it an ideal approach for a wide range of learners.

Just take a moment and think about you and me, we have learned everything not by sitting in a room but while discussing the topic with our friends with the same interest.

Here is my final example to help you understand the difference. You are familiar with these two words. Exercise and exertion. In both cases, you are stretching your physical or mental strength. But when you do it with discipline, then only we call it an exercise. This activity will make you fitter for your job. In case of exertion, you will slow down just because you are not disciplined. And joining a community will help you gain that discipline. And joining a Mazavyapar community will definitely help you get into that discipline. So when are you joining this community?

Community learning is a powerful approach to education that is based on the principles of social learning, collaboration, ownership, and adaptability. These principles create a rich and supportive learning environment that is highly effective for students of all ages and backgrounds. As I said earlier community learning will always win compared to other methods of education because it is based on the idea that people learn best when they are surrounded by a supportive community of peers, mentors, and experts.

Mazavyapar is one such community that believes in community-based learning. We connect weekly once for our discussion and there are a lot of things to learn from everyone. Our tagline also says "Doing is Learning." So we are a community of action takers and also knowledge sharers.

If you want to be a part of our community you can line up one on one consultation calls with my team. Line up a meeting with the team.

     To stay updated about our latest updates you can simply join our free Telegram Community or Whatsapp group. 👉 mazavyapar.blogspot.com/p/want-to-join-our-free-community.html

With a lot of Gratitude this is Ajinkya saying Thank you until we meet again, may god bless you, as he has blessed me. ba...bye.

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