I was attending my company’s convention and a number of people came up on stage to share their powerful stories. Soon, it was the turn of an older gentleman in his 60s to speak. The first words he uttered were – “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am 65 today and the greatest blessing that I can count on in my life was, when the doctor told me at the age of 52, that I had cancer of the colon.”
That stopped me in my tracks. Did he just refer to cancer as his greatest blessing? From his expression and his body language, it was clear he did not mean it as a joke. I was shocked.
The gentleman continued – “Yes, I was blessed with cancer. When I first heard the diagnosis from the doctor, I refused to believe it. I went out and got a second and third opinion, visited specialists, and spent a fortune on a battery of tests. And then my whole world collapsed around me.”
“I was at the height of my career, a Vice President at a major company. I had everything I could ask for. A wife, and two beautiful kids in high school. I even had a mistress on the side. I traveled frequently around the world. And suddenly I was hit with this bombshell… and it seemed there was no coming back from it.
I hit rock bottom. It took me two months to realize I was wasting precious time. According to the doctors, I had a year to live. I had already wasted two months of it in self-pity and depression. I made peace with what was happening. Next, I walked away from the prison that was my job and started fresh again. I came back to my family, treasuring every moment I had with them after having ignored them for so many years in my pursuit of corporate success. And then I began to fight cancer.
I started treatment; I changed my lifestyle, changed my diet, moved to a place with fresh mountain air, and began to do this business that saved my life.
I was invited to a Network Marketing business presentation by a Visionary person. The person who gave me a presentation about business actually boosted my confidence. He was doing his work. He was chasing a target set by his team. When he came to me and asked my permission to present the business opportunity. I replied that I don't have time left. What's the point in wasting time to understand your business? His reply shocked me.
He replied, "Sir, I am a firm believer of the master plan. There are no flaws in the master plan. Why god will share a legacy business opportunity with someone who is going to live for a few months? If you want to experience the power of a Master plan give me just 30 minutes of your day."
He explained to me about business. And you know what happened? I started working with him. My eyes opened to the potential of what it can do. I realized it had changed many lives and that it could change mine. It was very powerful to walk up to someone and say – I have 8 months to live and I still believe in this business.
I look upon the business as a legacy for my children, and as security for my family. Perhaps that gave me the edge over others. Over the next 8 months, I fought cancer and went into remission, I made my first $100000 cheque in the business and took control over my life. That was at the age of 52. Today I am 65. Cancer has blessed me with whole new life. Today, I have grandchildren on the way. I look back appreciatively to the time when the doctor said – You have cancer and less than a year to live. The Lord blessed me with cancer.”
That day I realised that God always answers us in terms of people, opportunities and events my life changed. One must learn to believe in the master plan.
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