How to deal with the negativity?

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        We have all gone through this phase called negativity. It may be personal or professional but no one has escaped through this phase. But do you know a beautiful thing, when negativity lefts you, you become a brand new you? In this Podcast let's understand some facts and solutions about how to deal with negativity. So let's get started. 

    Hello everyone welcome back to the Home-Based-Business podcast powered by Mazavyapar. I am your host Ajinkya and today we are going to discuss how to deal with negativity?    

    We human beings tend to do mistakes while working and sometimes these mistakes create negative situations. If I gave you a list of things to do in order to avoid negativity still you will do some mistakes or miss some of the things and negativity will meet you somewhere in the journey. In short, you cannot avoid negative situations. 

        In order to help you understand I have categorized negativity into a few sections. 

1. Self-Negativity 

2. Interpersonal Negativity 

3. Environmental Negativity 

    Let's talk about self-negativity. This is fear-based negativity. There are different thoughts in your mind that are guiding you toward what could be the worst outcome and you start getting into fear and the end result is you stop taking action. The worst thing negativity does is stops you from taking action. If somewhere in mind you really think about whether am I capable enough or not or can I do it let me tell you a quote shared by Swami Vivekanand ji One of the great spiritual leaders and philosophers from India. 

Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free.

The quote suggests that by utilizing one or more methods like work, worship, or philosophy we can manifest our divine potential and achieve freedom from negative influences. Each one of us is potentially divine.
        If you ever caught yourself in this zone of self-negativity make sure you read this quote loudly. Your potential is limitless. 

    Now let's understand the interpersonal negativity. This is when we experience negative interactions with others, such as conflicts, criticism, or rejection.
    The first thing you must understand about interpersonal negativity is this thing is more harmful to you than any other person. There are a lot of symptoms when you hold negativity about someone in your mind. It affects your mood, It can affect your relationships, It can affect your perspective, It can lead you to misunderstand and the list goes on.
    The solution to this type of negativity is Empathy. We all should practice Empathy. Try to understand the other person's perspective and emotions, even if you don't agree with them. This can help you approach the situation with compassion and reduce the intensity of negative interactions.
    One more solution is to learn to communicate effectively. let me tell you a story of effective communication. A business coach once referred a business to one of his students and after doing well for a year in the business that student came to the coach with a complaint of not earning enough money from his business. He was not only complaining but also carrying a lot of interpersonal negativity about his business coach.
Student started talking to him with an arrogant tone, "You referred me to this business and now business is not happening the way I want. You are responsible for my loss."
The coach replied silently and calmly, "You earned a good amount of money in the initial stages of your business. If I ask you Whose credit will it be?"
The student replied with pride, "Because I worked hard."
The coach smiled and replied calmly, "If you are owning your success learn to own your failures as well. How can you be the owner of success in your business and I am responsible for your failure?"
The student got his point within a second and he stopped complaining to him from that time onwards.
    Have you observed the Business coach got some extraordinary skills to communicate effectively and made all the negativity from his student's mind disappear? 

    The third type of negativity is Environmental Negativity. This is when we are exposed to negative situations or circumstances, such as a toxic work environment, a stressful living situation, or negative news. The only solution for this type of negativity is to run.
    The moment you felt the negativity the only thing you have to do is to change the place. And if it is not possible to leave the environment or work culture learn the art of ignorance. I have personally worked for multiple years in a toxic work culture just by ignoring things. Once I have created my alternative I was free to leave the place.
    One more solution is to join a good community. For example, Mazavyapar is a community that provides you good work environment. You will never get people from the Mazavyapar community who are putting you down, who are criticizing your work, who are making fun of you behind your back. We practice feedback culture in our community. We believe in giving good and constructive feedback to our teammates. If you want to know more about how we do it and what is our SOP you can join our Gold membership. In order to join Gold Membership you can line up one on one consultation calls with our team. Here is the link.

    While ending this podcast I am summarising everything that I shared. Getting associated with any type of Negativity is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Being negative can destroy you. Start practising love instead. I believe anyone can shake the world with love.

    Thank you for listening to my podcast. If you have not subscribed to my newsletter here is the link. Subscribe and get a new email every Sunday to feed your mind with good thoughts because thoughts become things.

With a lot of Gratitude this is Ajinkya saying Thank you until we meet again, may god bless you, as he has blessed me. ba...bye.

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      1. Makarand Kulkarni9 May 2023 at 14:36

        Every quality which is needed to tackle with negativity lies within me. I just need to find out the way to applicate it in life.
        Very powerful message. Thank you for sharing this.
        More power to you ... 🤝

        1. Thank you for listening and commenting.

      2. We can tackle the negativity by spreading love, by joining the community like Maza Vyapar, by manifesting our divine potential & much more. Thank you for all the learnings. MPTY😊

        1. Thank you for being a regular listener. More power to you.
